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Lessons learned from piloting tools from the Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide

We piloted tools from the Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide with the Colombian Red Cross and the AfriChild Centre in Uganda. After a set of orientation sessions, personal and organizational reflections and online trainings with the CPC Learning Network, IICRD, and the CP AoR in May of 2021, the Colombian Red Cross piloted two rapid tools, one long tool, and an adapted tool from the Children as Partners Guide with five groups of children and youth in four communities throughout Colombia. The AfriChild Centre in Uganda piloted three tools in several sites, including one virtual tool. The Lessons Learned briefs can be found among the resource files below.

Lessons Learned from a Child Participation Project with the Colombian Red Cross Piloting tools from the Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide

Lecciones aprendidas de un proyecto de participación infantil con la Cruz Roja Colombiana Pilotando herramientas de la Guía de niños y niñas como socios en la protección de la niñez durante COVID-19

Lessons Learned Brief in Spanish

Lessons Learned from a Child Participation Project with the AfriChild Centre in Uganda: Piloting tools from the Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide