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A Community-Driven Intervention to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy in Two Districts in Sierra Leone

2012; 2014
West & Central Africa
Community & Family-Level Interventions
Sexual & Reproductive Health
Agency & Participation
multiple authors per resource

Starting in 2012, the Inter-Agency Learning Initiative on Strengthening Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms and Child Protection Systems established a community-owned and driven intervention to reduce teenage pregnancy in the Moyamba and Bombali Districts in Sierra Leone.  Two clusters of three intervention communities elected to address the problem of teenage pregnancy through a mixture of family planning, sexual and reproductive health education, and life skills. This action research uses a quasi-experimental design to test the effectiveness of this intervention in reducing teenage pregnancy. A year after community members received trainings, a participatory evaluation workshop was held to learn community perspectives on what happened in the first full year of the intervention implementation. Findings reveal that across all three communities, a major reduction in teenage pregnancies had occurred. In addition, greater supportive linkages between the communities and the formal health system were established. Overall, while the findings are not final, they suggest the intervention is on its way to achieving intermediate results that will ultimately help reduce teenage pregnancy and contribute to the evidence base on community-based child protection programming.


Change that Counts: Results from a Community Driven Intervention to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy in Sierra Leone (October 15, 2014)

Presenter: Lindsay Stark
Respondent: Sarah Lilley

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An Ethnographic Study of Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms and Their Linkages with the National Child Protection System of Sierra Leone
Year of Publication

An Overview of the Community Driven Intervention To Reduce Teenage Pregnancy in Sierra Leone
Mike Wessells, David Lamin, & Marie Manyeh
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Preventing Teenage Pregnancy in Sierra Leone Impact Evaluation Baseline Report
Alice Shirley, Sarah Lilley, Lindsay Stark, Katherine Muldoon, Dora King, David Lamin & Mike Wessells
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A Grounded Approach to the Definition of Population-Based, Child Protection and Well-Being Outcome Areas
Lindsay Stark, Mike Wessells, Dora King, David Lamin, Marie Manyeh
Year of Publication

Change that Counts: Baseline Report for the Evaluation of an Action Research Intervention to Strengthen Community-based Child Protection Mechanisms in Sierra Leone
Lindsay Stark, Katherine Muldoon, Sarah Lilley, Dora King, Paul Makavore, David Lamin, and Mike Wessells
Year of Publication

Impact Evaluation Baseline Report: Preventing Teenage Pregnancy in Sierra Leone Impact Evaluation Baseline Report
Alice Shirley, Sarah Lilley, Lindsay Stark, Katherine Muldoon, Dora King, David Lamin, & Mike Wessells
Year of Publication

A Community-Driven Approach to Reducing Teenage Pregnancy in Sierra Leone: Midline Evaluation Brief
Lindsay Stark, Matthew MacFarlane, Dora King, David Lamin, Sarah Lilley & Mike Wessells
Year of Publication

Preliminary Results of the Community-Driven Intervention to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy in Two Districts of Sierra Leone: Findings From Participatory Review Workshops With Children and Adults
Mike Wessells, Marie Manyeh, & David Lamin
Year of Publication

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