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Measuring Violence Against Children in Humanitarian Settings: A Scoping Exercise of Methods and Tools

Systems Strengthening
Tools & Training
Debbie Landis, Katharine Williamson, Debi Fry, Lindsay Stark

From May-December 2013, the Child Protection in Crisis (CPC) Network and Save the Children UK conducted a scoping exercise in order to examine two child protection issues considered “hard to measure” in humanitarian settings: sexual violence against children and violence within the household. The goal of this exercise was to identify existing methodologies and tools to assess these issues, as well as to highlight gaps in current approaches and offer recommendations for further action.

The research brief and full report are below.

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Briefing Report
Research Brief: A Scoping Exercise of Methods and Tools Measuring Violence Against Children in Humanitarian Settings
Debbie Landis, Katharine Williamson, Debi Fry, Lindsay Stark
Year of Publication

Measuring Violence Against Children in Humanitarian Settings: A Scoping Exercise of Methods and Tools
Debbie Landis, Katharine Williamson, Debi Fry, Lindsay Stark
Year of Publication

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