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Biennial Meeting of the CPC Learning Network


Leadership in the Global South

The 2011 Biennial Meeting of the CPC Learning Network was convened in August to bring together diverse stakeholders including secretariat, advisory board, and program learning group (PLG) members to discuss priorities, activities, and network development and growth. The schedule of the three-day meeting is presented below.

Day 1

CPC Priorities, Functions, and Activities

Session I


  • How learning and policy-practice change take place within and between agencies?
  • How do cross-organizational networks facilitate learning and policy-practice change agendas?
  • What are CPC priorities and functions?


  • Presentation of research on organizational and cross-organizational learning
  • Panel discussion of effective and less-effective CPC learning-change initiatives
  • Plenary discussion CPC priorities and functions

Session II


  • How can the CPC contribute most effectively to learning and change at country and global levels?
  • What are the most relevant and important network functions to be pursued at country and global levels?
  • What needs to change to move from the existing focus and role to the ideal focus and role?


  • Mapping the functional focus of the CPC exercise
  • Oak Foundation Evaluation
  • Presentation of Learning Evaluation Framework

Day 2

Technical Consultations

Session I

Goal: Determine inputs-support required to achieve CPC priorities


  • How to identify and integrate technical support into country and global level work plans?
  • How to support, link and learn from different work plans?

Panel discussions

  • Child protection systems initiatives
  • Engaging universities in operational research and curriculum programs
  • Challenges and methodological approaches to collecting data on child protection

Session II

  • Livelihoods-economic strengthening
  • Sexual exploitation and abuse
  • Children without family care
  • Children on the move

Day 3

CPC Network Development

Session I

Goal: Determine key inputs, roles and responsibilities to achieve CPC agenda


  • To what extent does the network (coordinators, task force leaders, and secretariat) perform key functions itself, or do the members perform the functions?
  • Do the network and its members have access to all the key inputs necessary for its functioning? Resources include:
  • Capacity and skills
  • Communications
  • Program development-resource mobilization

Panel discussions

  • Capacity Development: Methods and Knowledge Transfer
  • Communication and technology
  • Program development and resource mobilization
  • Plenary on how to maintain and sustain relevance for its members
Leadership in the Global South
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