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Three Years of CRPA: Lessons from the Field


CPC Learning Network,Hani Mansourian, Research Associate

West & Central Africa
East Asia & Pacific
Middle East and North Africa
Eastern & Southern Africa
South Asia
Burkina Faso
Tools & Training

Hani Mansourian, a Research Associate of the CPC Learning Network, presented the findings from a review of the uses of the Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) tool in several field settings. He shared detailed findings and recommendations.

You can watch the full webinar below.

About the presenter:

Hani Mansourian has been working in the field of child protection and humanitarian response for over 10 years and continues to work closely with the child protection (CP) in emergencies sector through the CPC Learning Network and the CP assessment and measurement taskforce. Until late 2013, Hani was the Assessment and Measurement Focal Point on the Rapid Response Team of the Global Child Protection Working Group. He developed regional and global capacity for use of the inter-agency Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) toolkit and supported country CP coordination mechanisms in assessment and monitoring activities in emergency contexts across Sub-Saharan Africa; South and South East Asia and the Middle East.  Prior to this, he worked with international actors – including UNICEF, UNDP and the International Rescue Committee –on monitoring and evaluation and on programs addressing children with street connections, separated and unaccompanied children and children affected by HIV and drug abuse. Hani received his Master in International Affairs from Columbia University’s School of International & Public Affairs and has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the University of Mazandaran in Iran. He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree in Global Health and Humanitarian Systems at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

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